In Kind Donations


On any given night, there are many individuals that do not have a safe place to sleep in our community. The Community of Hope 2:16 strives to provide services for all those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

With your help, they can begin rebuilding their lives. We appreciate any donation, large or small, new or gently used. Donations are currently being accepted at:

Outreach Center - Cloquet
26 10th Street North
Cloquet MN 55720

Monday - Friday 10am-2pm

For questions or to schedule a pick-up at your organization, please email.

For items that are not on our Wish List, please donate them to the local Salvation Army or DAV.

Our Current Needs:
We are currently needing items to fill our Hygiene Bags.
Items needed are: combs, stick deoderant, 3 oz. shampoos, toothbrush and toothpaste (unopened), bars of soap,hand towels.

Thank you so much for your donations and your continuing support of our mission.


You can support the homeless in our community through your gift of material donations. Please make sure that all used items are clean, of good quality and ready to wear.


  • Winter clothing - Gloves (men's, women's, children)


  • Protein bars
  • Breakfast bars
  • Granola bars
  • Beef & cheese sticks
  • Applesauce Pouches
  • Canned food with pull open top

Hygiene Products/Toiletries/      First Aid

  • Bandaides
  • Toilet Paper
  • Tissues
  • Women’s monthly hygiene (pads/tampons)
  • Hand sanitizers
  • Bath Wipes (ones you don't have to rinse)



  • Sleeping bags



  • Tarps
  • Motor Oil (5w-30)
  • Auto windshield washer fluid
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